MASSY – Atlantis


Environnements lumineux urbains

Town planning
About This Project

Building a quality night-time district: urban lighting environments in the ZAC Paris Briis, Victor Basch, Paris Carnot, Carnot TGV, Paris Avenue in Massy

We have favoured ambient and accent lighting modes adapted to pedestrian and public urban spaces. We brought them down to a human scale and integrated them into the design. Each type and quality of space has its own specific lighting treatment.
– Functional main light: Lighting of traffic routes. Functional luminaires with a scroll and a cut-off at O° that precisely outline the roadway
– Secondary functional or ambient light: Lighting of pavements and public spaces. Backlights on functional luminaires (pavements). Ambient lighting (public spaces, pavements, etc.)
– Tertiary accent lighting: Citizen lighting, spotlighting on building entrances

Lighting concept: Laurent Fachard
Project development:
Les Éclairagistes Associés
Master builder: P. Gangnet, architect
Localisation: Massy, department of Essonne (91), France