PALACE OF VERSAILLES – Night Fountains show


Mise en œuvre du plan guide des fontaines du château de Versailles

Events, Patrimony
About This Project

Lighting design of the Night Fountains show…

Following the elaboration of the  “guide plan of the landscape and architectural lighting design of the Royal garden and the Palace” undertaken by LEA, the implementation includes the lighting of the Great Lawn, the Water Parterre, the Green Carpet and the Latona’s and Apollo’s Fountains. To reveal this landscape and this grandiose nature, we relied on what makes the essence of the place: the play of water in the fountains and basins; on what makes the mythological spirit of the place: the illuminating clarity of the statuary and the vases; on the nature of the garden itself: the landscape scenography, its vegetal and floral qualities.

Lighting concept: Laurent Fachard
Project development:
Les Éclairagistes Associés
Client: Château de Versailles Spectacles (CVS)
Installers: CVS | LEA | tech’s | Chapelle
Photo credits: Xavier Boymond | Les Éclairagistes Associés
Localisation: Versailles Palace, department of Yvelines (78), France