Environnements lumineux urbains, design mobilier d’éclairage
2002 - 2009
Urban Planning Trophy 2008 – Le Moniteur
It is from the city that the light comes and spreads over the esplanade, decrescendo to the river quay…
From the warm and radiant old façade to the curvature of the contemporary, festive and illuminated quay, it is a symphony of lights and colors in movement. From the natural park and the preserved meadow, from the squares with soft comfort lighting to the playgrounds, from the squares to the majestic square brilliantly lit, the gaze pierces the chromatic fog, slides and bounces on the mirror of the inverted Bourse, then goes to rest on the garland of the curvature of the quay and the spectacle of the river…
Lighting concept: Laurent Fachard
Project development: Les Éclairagistes Associés
Original design lighting furniture: Laurent Fachard
Client: Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux (33) | M. Bertrand Arnauld de Sartre
Architect/Landscape architect: Pierre Gangnet, architect | Michel Corajoud, landscape architect | Atelier R, engineering consultancy
Manufactuers/Partners: Comatelec | Technilum | GHM
Installer: SPIE | ETDE | Citeos
Photo credits: Xavier Boymond | Haut-Relief | LEA
Localisation: Bordeaux, department of Gironde (33), France