PARIS – Beaux-Arts

Architecture, Patrimony
About This Project

“Luminous Occuli”
The “electroluminescent sign” of the quai Malaquais…

The light construction is based on the shapes and specific characters of the three facade architectures: Foch, Petit Chimay and Grand Chimay. From a distance, the three occuli of the Foch building and the summit glass roof of the Petit Chimay are the only remarkable elements that are perceptible in all observation conditions. They are a sign in the urban night and become a remarkable signal call in the urban environment of the district. In close-up views, the surroundings of the site form the setting and the urban framework of the buildings.

Lighting concept: Laurent Fachard
Project development:
Les Éclairagistes Associés
Manufactuers / Partners: Pulsar | BEGA| Mike Stoane | Soliled
Installer: Citeos grands projets IDF
Photo credits: Xavier Boymond | Charles Jarry
Localisation: Paris (75), France